Protect Your Internet Domain

More than likely, your company now has an internet site.  If you don’t, you should.

In many cases, however, small business owners do get an internet domain and even have a website, but then use email addresses provided by their office or home internet connection provider.  For example, they may put, or may use a free online webmail address such as Hotmail or gMail.  This is a mistake.  It does not look professional.  If you already have an internet domain, then use it!  Email hosting is frequently included with website hosting, and is a minimal cost.

Another important aspect of the corporate internet domain is that of having control of your domain.  Often business owners rely on external consultants to help them with the task of registering their domain and set up their website and other IT services, but then do not ensure that the domain is properly registered and that they get the required credentials to these important services.  If handled internally, then it should be all properly documented.  This can put the entire corporate identity in jeopardy.  The following is a good article about how internet domain names work and what you should do to ensure you have control of your domain and website.

One thought on “Protect Your Internet Domain

  1. I’ve been using whois srhecaes for several years now. Its a great tool to find who is behind that domain. You can even find the contact information of the person behind that domain.

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